Sometimes a section comes along that leaves you reaching for the rewind and slow-mo buttons to figure out what the heck just actually happened, Scott Stevens part in the Capita ‘Defenders of Awesome’ movie is just that.
It’s an onslaught of one footed, rail bashing, creative juice overflowing madness and we love it. This is one of those sections that leaves you feeling amazing, inspired and indeed trying to figure out if you could also do that. Scott Stevens is an unbelievably talented rider and we want his babies! We saw this section and we have the bruises, bumps, scars and indeed the smiles to prove that he inspired us to go try something new. Even one of our recent trick tip videos here pays homage to the mans great talent.
Every time we watch this we see something new we want to try and some of it feels tangibly achievable. So for making us see the snowboard world with new creative eyes, Scott Stevens we tip our hats to you and say thanks for inspiring us to go shred with one foot strapped in!